The Way of the Cross: Fourth Station

Fourth Station: Jesus meets his afflicted mother


“Then Simeon blessed them and said to his mother Mary, ‘Understand that this child is destined for the downfall and the resurrection of many in Israel, and to be an example that will stand in opposition to what we take for granted. And that same sword will pierce your soul too” (Luke 2:34-35).


And in that moment, there was no one else.
Us, alone, with grief veiling your face, and
your hand clutching your chest, your broken heart
while I could only whisper, “I’m sorry.”
The sacrifice is selfless, but I am not
alone, which means these tremors ripple out,
shaking and shattering those standing near
who must bear crosses whittled out of mine.


Jesus, when we see the grief of your mother we are reminded that the community you have called us to is one where we share not just joy but sorrow. We act not just for ourselves, but our actions impact one another. Let us be ever mindful that every action touches those close to us. And give us courage, when we are called to walk in your way, to do so in the knowledge that you will care for those we love just as you cared for your mother whose soul was pierced. We ask this to be brave and daring followers of you. Amen.

And now...discuss.