The Way of the Cross: Fifth Station

Fifth Station: The cross is laid on Simon of Cyrene


“Coming out, they came upon a man from Cyrene by the name of Simon, who they compelled to take up Jesus’ cross” (Matthew 27:32).


It could advance my ambitions, that’s why.
You never know who you might need later,
Or who had dropped your name in reference.
That’s why it pays to be helpful. For you
might find today’s stranger tomorrow’s friend
when you need it. When you’re in your own jam.


Anointed One, sometimes we need to be compelled to follow you. It is not enough that you showed us the way to live in humility, we need something more. We want to know, what is in it for me? What good can I gain from loving my neighbor enough to stop and help them with their burdens. Jesus, help us to remember that our reward is in walking where you walked. For it is in giving that we receive, and in laying down our life, our pride, that we find them in you. This we ask so we might wake each morning to find ourselves more like you. Amen.

And now...discuss.