The Way of the Cross: First Station

First Station: Jesus is condemned to death


“[The High Priest asked] ‘What have you decided?’ They answered and said, ‘He deserves death'” (Matthew 26:66).


You’re not the one I wanted you to be,
the one I expected, needed right now.
You did it wrong, not at all how I’d done,
and have brought what happens onto yourself.
And what good is that doing anyone?
In this hour we needed someone like you
who knew how to do things in the right way.
One less who you are and more who I am.


Like Pilate, we are guilty of condemning you to death for the horrible crime of not being who we want you to be. You have not come riding in to scatter our enemies. You have not punished those who have hurt us. You have not undone all the wrong we have done. Instead you asked us to love those the world says to hate, pray for those who wound us, and to live in forgiveness. Give us the grace to walk this way with your easy yoke upon us, and learn to live a life of love. Amen.

And now...discuss.