Popcorn Summer: And there will be peace

“The Pharisees interrogated him, asking when the Realm of the Divine would come amongst humanity, and Jesus responded to them saying, ‘The Realm of the Divine’s arrival isn’t something you can observe. No one will say, “Hey, it’s over here,” nor “Check it out, it’s over there.” The Realm of the Divine is inside of you'” (Luke 17.20-21).

Superman IV: The Quest for Peace was released 24 July 1987. While it, unfortunately, spends much of its screen time on the battle between Superman and Lex Luthor’s Nuclear Man, nestled around it like a thin frame is a story about one person trying to make a difference in the world and learning something important about humanity in the process.

Upon hearing that peace talks between the U.S. and Soviet Union have broken down and their nuclear arms race is set to escalate, Superman goes to the United Nations and proposes a solution to keep the world from destroying itself. He’d, by this time, saved people from Lex Luthor’s plans to sink California and the entire world from the threat of three super-criminals. Why couldn’t he save the world from the threat it had created for itself? With the cooperation of the world’s governments, he gathers every nuclear missile together and hurls them into the sun, destroying all of them.

In the passage above—one of many confrontations with the religious leadership—Jesus is challenged about his promise of the immanent Realm of the Divine. When’s it coming, they ask. What’s the evidence that’ll let us know it’s arrived? What’s it look like?

Jesus turns their questions on their heads by telling them that this Realm, this reality of a world redeemed and governed by love isn’t something that comes from outside. It’s is already here. Better said, perhaps, it’s possible right now; because, the building blocks of it are inside each and every one of us.

The words spoken by Jesus in this passage have inspired thousands upon thousands of pages in books and journals over the years. They’re mysterious, and no one explanation fully captures what Jesus is conveying. But, I think it’s along the lines of what Superman learned.

At the close of the film, Superman returns to the U.N. He tells the world that he was wrong. He had thought that he could give them the peace that many desired. But he discovered that only humanity can do that. Only when everyone decides that they want an end to war so badly that the governments of the world will have no choice but to give it to them. The end to the threat of nuclear destruction, he tells them, can only come from within them.

The Realm which the religious leadership anticipated was one from without. One that was imposed by God as a conquering king sets up their kingdom. But Jesus is telling them that redemption, peace, and healing comes only from within each and every one of us. We have to want, no to need a new and different way. It has to come, in other words, from within us and not without.

Jesus knew this, which is why he, unlike Superman, didn’t attempt to bring about the renewal of all things by might or strength. And, in both stories, we are left with the scary and hopeful truth.

We are the heroes who can bring peace to this world.

Prince of Peace, you are wise enough to know that renewal, love, and peace cannot be imposed, it has to be desired. It seems like an insurmountable task to bring the world to that desire. So, help me begin within myself to long for and to need these things to bring about, in my small corner of Creation, your promised redemption and give proof to your words that your Realm of Love is, indeed, right here amongst us.

And now...discuss.